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An easy-to-use particle sizer with superior resolution and adjustable size channels
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The Real-Time Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposition Impactor (MOUDI) is a precision research-grade impactor with real-time mass detection based on QCM sensors.
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LAP 323 Aerosol Spectrometer for analysis of particle size distributions and particle number concentrations in aerosols, Dual Wave Length Technology
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LAP 322 Aerosol Spectrometer for analysis of particle size distributions and particle number concentrations in aerosols, monochrome light
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Measures size distribution and number concentration of rapidly changing submicrometer aerosol particles in real-time
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Simply the best tool for measuring particle emissions and characterizing exhaust aftertreatment devices during transient engine cycles
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Highly accurate, real-time nanoparticle sizing systems you can rely on for years.
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Expanding nanoparticle measurement capabilities.
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A high-resolution optical particle sizer to measure sub-micrometer sized particles from 90 nm.
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An easy-to-use particle sizer with superior resolution and adjustable size channels
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High-resolution aerodynamic sizing plus light-scattering intensity
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